Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So, this morning I got up and took a shower. WHAT!? Yeah, I'm clean today. :)

This was after laying in bed for a bit listening to CW have a hissy fit in her shower because she apparently forgot how to turn on the hot water. She eventually called Matt upstairs to help her, and I hear bits and pieces, "You didn't have the hot water on." "Which one is the hot water?" "Seriously? It's that one, did you forget?!"

He comes into the bathroom while I'm in the shower and we're giggling about it, and the fact that he had to save the offspring last night when she was digging her heels in (wrongly) and waving folded laundry at me in irritation, claiming that she hadn't folded her brother's shirt, she'd folded HER yellow shirt. She and I were yelling at each other and Matt yells in from the other room, "CW stop arguing. Apologize to your mother and go get ready for bed!" THEN while she was upstairs, she apparently lost her crap AGAIN, and was stamping around being angry that Daddy had told her to get a load of her laundry together. She was acting like it was OUR responsibility to do it, and she was so put upon, being asked to get a load together. Oh the drama. With Jazz Hands. While we're talking about this, and snickering in resignation, she shows up at our bathroom door, soaking wet, dancing and yelling that she's going to be late and Daddy hasn't signed her homework agenda yet!!! Matt pointed out that she had 20 minutes yet, and that SHE needed to get moving, not him, and to go get dressed dammit! More dancing and yelling ensued - where in god's name was her laundry?! She didn't have any underwear or bras!! In the dryer, CW. Go get it.

She left, he closed the door and stage whispered, "Stop it my hormones, CW!!" I nearly drowned myself because I was in the middle of rinsing my nose out (still in the shower) and gargling.

I got finished with my shower, got out, dried off, and was greeted at the door by the whole family, grinning with excitement. SG's bouncing up and down - as was His Hair, It was so excited - CW's grinning around her toothbrush, and Matt's holding SG's potty, which is full of pee. We've taken to putting his potty in his room at bedtime, chamber pot style, since he still loves to take his diaper off in the morning and ends up peeing on the floor. Matt's been reminding him every night that if he needs to pee in the morning, he should use the potty. He finally did it, AND the diaper he'd slept in was dry. :) (Thankfully the floor was dry too.) So he started the day off with chocolate. :)