Thursday, May 26, 2011

I shouldn't have rearranged the furniture.

I got really productive two Fridays ago - always a bad idea. I vacuumed and floor-cleanered the floors downstairs, and moved a bunch of furniture around to make the living room work better, what with the treadmill being in here now.

At first he was just delighted with the changes, sitting in all of the newly moved furniture, observing the world from new vantage points. Then it began. I'd removed from his possession a pair of American Flags because he was using them as weapons, and put them up on top of the wall unit. This was Saturday or Sunday. Monday evening, CW and I got home, and here's SG running around with the flags again.

"Who gave those back to you!?" The room at large had no idea, Matt being fairly clueless as to what the boy does whilst he's on the computer. SG immediately looked guilty. I went into the living room to discover one of the counter-height chairs (that had been moved in the Great Rearranging) in front of the wall unit. Now, mind you - there's still a good 5 feet between the seat of that chair and where the flags were. Turns out that he can stretch himself to 58" and reaching the flags wasn't impossible from that chair.

And then yesterday happened. More later, because I have to go right now...

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