Thursday, May 26, 2011

Space Invader

So yeah, yesterday was one of those days. Matt was ready to start drinking at 6am, since the boy wouldn't leave him alone and kept running up to stick his fingers under Matt's arms and tickle him. This makes for either an exceptionally punchy and giggly Daddy, or an exceptionally crabby Daddy. Thankfully yesterday was only Punchy Daddy. CW was off at school (as she is most days), and SG was in full-on Space-Invaders mode. For those of you who've not heard this particular description of SG's antics: He will manage to hop/run sideways frantically while waving his hands back and forth above his head. The effect is such that it is greatly reminiscent of the surviving ranks of Space Invaders when they start speeding up and are about to land on your pitiful little ship's head. He was doing this dance in laps around the house - not abnormal, but still FUNNY.

At one point I went upstairs and discovered that he'd tried to get into our bedroom again. Even though the door was still locked, and as such completely un-breached, there was a clue. Sitting in front of the door was not ONLY his desk chair (an old windsor-back kitchen chair), but one of his little kid Ikea chairs stacked on the bigger chair's seat in an (I'd assume) vain attempt to gain some more height and reach the key on top of the molding. It was something like this (this is what I found today, Friday):

At some other point during the day Matt discovered SG sitting in the little hallway between the Kitchen and living room, attempting to get a toy open with a pair of scissors. He'd gotten the scissors by stacking two of his step stools one on top of the other, and climbing up to the counter by the sink, and getting into the cabinet over the sink that holds the scissors. All of this was somehow accomplished without Matt noticing him. Boy has some Mad Ninja Skillz, huh? Or Punchy Daddy was just SO focused on his computer screen (and work) that he completely failed to notice the movement in his peripheral vision.

None of this boded well (in hindsight) for what occurred later in the evening when Maddie and I were gone for a mere two hours...

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