Friday, May 27, 2011

The Boy Foot.

This morning, Friday, SG went into the bathroom while CW was showering. He did stuff. Very quietly, he did stuff. When she exited the shower, CW discovered a little brother who'd painted all of the nails on his right foot with my nail polish. As some of you already know, the boy loves nail polish. It's mildly disturbing, and extremely hilarious because in ALL other ways he's SUCH. A. BOY.

So, this morning, he apparently decided to go into my nail polish drawer (in the bathroom) and pick out the perfect color for his toes. Today's perfect color? "You're such a Kabuki Queen" by OPI. It's a beautiful watermelon-y pink. And it's now all over his little boy toenails. Daddy explained, or tried to explain, that boys don't paint their nails with polish, let alone PINK polish. We've all jokingly referred to his pink-toed-foot as his girl foot today, but he insists that the pink one is his boy foot and the foot with the au naturel (sp?) nails is his girl foot. *snicker*

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