Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Daily WTF...

SG has been playing freebie versions of old Mario Brothers games on-line lately. In his forays through those sites, he discovered a video, a video of some guy playing Super Mario Brothers, and yelling at it. He was laughing while watching it - big belly laughs, so neither one of us checked it out. CW noticed what he was watching, and while she too thought it was hilarious, she came to me to tell me that he probably oughtn't be allowed to continue watching it. "I don't think it's a good idea to let him watch that - the guy uses inappropriate words - stuff I can't even say!"

I told her that the rule of not saying inappropriate words stands, and that he needs to be given the same chance she had, which was being exposed to them (the words in use) and not using them herself. I reminded her that it worked fine with her. We reminded him that he's not to say any of those words, and he agreed.

A couple of days later (and daily reminders about those words coming out of his mouth), the house is basically quiet, I'm in here, Matt's downstairs and SG was in his room playing games on his Koo-puder, yelling at it, dancing and just generally enjoying himself to the fullest. And then I hear, "What the F***!?" come out of his room. Now, for a moment think about the absurdity of hearing your 4 year old, in their sweet little 4 year old voice, curse like that. I managed to keep the giggling quiet, and straightened my face out before I got to his room. His little world ended (for the day at least) right then. He was no longer allowed to watch the video - ever, and for the rest of the day, he lost computer privileges, and he couldn't watch any of his favorite shows on TV. Oh, yes, and he got spanked. And reminded again that he's not to say those words, and that's why he was in trouble.

He was so upset with me, that he threw himself on his bed, and eventually fell asleep. I know, right? How do you deal with a child who sleeps to spite you?! :) I asked Matt to figure out how to block that video from any computer's that SG is on, and he did.

Later that day, after CW came home from school, I'm hearing both her and SG giggling about his games, and obviously Matt did too, because I suddenly hear, "How did you - I blocked that!! You are not supposed to be watching that! Or playing games!!!" *giggle* Not surprisingly SG found another place that had the video... *rolls eyes*

I told Maddie what had happened, and her response? "I told you he shouldn't be watching it." God, I love that girl... :)