Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Strict Moral Compass

So, one of the problems that were encountered this year by us, The Boy and his teachers was that he's very black and white when it comes to rules.  He prefers to construct his own rules - usually to be changed as soon as he realizes exactly how they've restricted him.  But when there are rules set out in school - oh boy look out.  Frequently his issues at school were (it seems) situations in which SOMEONE wasn't doing what they were supposed to be doing, and he attempted to correct them, which resulted in him getting in trouble.  One rule that he apparently is completely unable to comply with is that you are NOT supposed to look under the bathroom stalls at your neighbors.  We're working on that.  Another bathroom related fiasco-inducing rule, is that nothing is to be put in toilets that doesn't belong there.  This of course becomes a problem when OTHER students put things in the toilet, like, say a Weekly Reader.  SG beholds the horror that is something not bodily-waste-related in the toilet, and can't help himself but to pull it out and go show it to a teacher.  Who, understandably, recoils in horror, sighs and explains YET AGAIN that he's not to pull things OUT of the toilet, and to go wash his hands RIGHT NOW.  NOW!  NO I don't know who did it, put it in the garbage and go wash your hands!

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that a career in law enforcement might be a good fit for him.