Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm not sure if things have calmed down, or we've simply gotten used to the wackiness that is the two of them and not much stands out as utterly insane anymore.

Clueless Wonder is in Middle School now (7th grade), and is doing well in all of her classes.  So far bringing home nothing lower than a B, and she's in all Honors Classes.  That could change, we'll see.  :)  She's a brown belt at Kim Studio now, one more level of brown to go before her Black Belt.  We're looking at sometime next year for her Black Belt Test, either February or August.  She's getting damn good at her art work - again, I'm her mother, but  She now has a set of throwing knives up in NJ to work with when the weather is better.  She's doing well at Air Rifle, still prone though.  Still refusing makeup, but IS starting to focus on making her hair behave and look nice.  The scary part is that I'm pretty sure that she's ahead of a lot of the other kids in her grade with regard to hygiene.   She thankfully is still REALLY open about stuff, and doesn't hesitate to ask questions, including but not limited to, "What do condoms look like?"  Thank god I had one in the house to show her.  SHe's learning under duress and protest how to clean bathrooms (she's really not very good at it - She was supposed to clean my bathroom for Christmas but nothing seemed clean, and she finally admitted to only having wiped down the toilet - which also showed no signs of having been cleaned.)

Screaming Genius is in First Grade, also doing pretty well.  He got tapped for Advanced Academic "pull-outs" by his teacher - I figure that it wasn't *just* that, as his teacher said, "He's got a LOT of background information in his head, I figured he'd be great for that," but also to get her some time in the classroom without him.  ;)  He apparently REALLY does not appreciate his classmates talking over the teacher and tries to shush them.  Again - there are RULES dammit, and if *I* have to follow them, so do YOU!  He finally tested a couple of months ago (October?) and is a Green Belt now, broke his first hand board (shocked the hell out of himself) and is MUCH better in class now.  He too, is having fun at Air Rifle, he delights all of the big girls (and the coaches) there mostly because he has fun and becomes adorable as a consequence.  They all come off of the range and giggle to us about how cute he is...Heh.  It's the only thing keeping him alive, really.  But only some days.  He recently managed to wander from Transformer videos on Youtube into sexy lady racy picture videos.  (I think that Megan Fox was the pivot point there, having both been in the Transformers Movies AND being a sexy lady.)  So he lost his computer privileges, then he did something this week, and lost his tablet privileges, and TV...then he mistreated one of his Christmas presents and lost that as well.  It's a good week.