Monday, August 16, 2010

Why did I have kids?

It's always a good day, as long as we don't ask ANYTHING of ANYONE. God forbid I ask my 9 year old to observe the rules and take a phone with her when she wanders out with a friend. Why in god's name would we, her parents, want to know where she was? And why should her 11 year old partner-in-crime tell his grandparents where he was going or take HIS phone?

N showed up just after I got home from running errands and we were just about done unloading the car. CW threw her shoes on and zipped out the door. They stayed within sight of our house for a while, then suddenly they weren't. I discovered that she had left her purse/phone in the closet. We waited probably half an hour before calling N's grandmother (Mama L - she lives across the street from us), and asking if the kids were there. Matt apparently terrified Mama L - she thought he was the police or the hospital - because they were looking for N, since THEY didn't know where he was either.

The kids showed up as soon as Matt walked out the door to go find them. CW's grounded now.

She walked up stairs, crying (oh evil parents, we!) and when she got to the top, she informed us that SG had poop on his foot. Little @&*%! had been in boxers for all of about 45 minutes (literally, right after CW left, I put him in boxers), before pooping in our bed. My sheets are in the wash now, and he's naked again.

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