Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunshine, lollipops and razor blades.

So CW was supposed to get up at 6:30 this morning and be ready to walk out the door by 8am - exactly what happens on any given school day (which starts tomorrow). I even set her alarm for her last night.

She didn't get up until 7, nor was she even presentable at 8. I apparently slept through her VERY long shower in my bathroom, a shower in which she attempted to shave for the first time. Yeah. The following conversation took place in chunks across the next hour or so after she told me.
"Mom, I shaved a little in the shower this morning."
*blink* "Okay, did you cut yourself?"
"Nope! I really only did my arms though. Well, and some of my legs."
"Don't shave your arms."
"But they have some long dark hairs on them!"
"DON'T. Shave. Your. Arms. It's just wrong. You're not a freaky competitive swimmer - don't shave your arms."
(Detour into explaining "drag" in the water, competitive swim meets and one guy's particular pair of practice purple paisley pantyhose.)
"Oh, and don't ever share razors. It's not a big deal that you used mine, but I'd rather you used those disposable ones I got while we were out in Michigan."
"Well, I kind of didn't use your razor."
*blink, frown* "Well then, HOW exactly did you shave?"
"I used the little things (points out the replacement heads for my razor in the little plastic dispensing case), I just held it with my fingers."
"Oh. Okay...anyway, I didn't start shaving my legs until I was about 10, so let's not start until then? But if you want to start this, then we can start waxing now, and in a few years, you won't HAVE any hair to shave. Sound good?"
"Wait. Will it hurt?"
"A little for the first few times, but then you'll get used to it."
"Okay...can we do my arms too?"
"Yes I suppose we could wax your arms too, but really, you don't have much hair there anyway..."

Now, before you tell me that she's growing up (and yes in fact she is a size 9 in shoes, and is currently somewhere between a 6 and an 8 in pants/skirts) and before I know it SG will be shaving, I must relate that while he and I were in the shower last week I looked down and discovered him shaving his face with my razor. Obviously, I grabbed it away from him, but then discovered to my delight that at some point the blade had come off of the razor handle and been replaced by someone other than me. How do I know this? Because the blades were on upside down - a peculiarity of this style of razor. I'm now thankful that I always had problems with a normal style razor twirling around in my hand and cutting me, and to Mom's/my coworkers Rose and Brenda for putting one of those in my college going-away gift basket. :) I've stuck with that style ever since.

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