Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Misery and The Hulk

Matt had gotten buzzing balloons Friday for the kids, and they were happily pumping them up with the included pump and letting them go all over the house. It sounded like the angriest bee swarm ever. CW apparently spent far too much time trying to blow them up by mouth at one point. Matt and I were sitting in the kitchen, and she wanders in while we're talking, stands there for a minute or two, and then suddenly bends forward and runs headlong into the refrigerator. While the two of us sat there in shock, she stood upright again, then did this dramatic near-face-plant onto the floor right in front of me, while wailing. Now, I should tell you that she's done these drama queen falls while they're playing many times before, so we were both thinking that *that's* what she was doing. Turns out she didn't mean to head-butt the fridge or fall over, so I thought about it and asked her if she'd been blowing up balloons with her mouth. Yep. She'd nearly knocked herself out because she blew up too many balloons. God, it was funny. NASTY bruise on her knee though, and she says her chin hurts, plus there's that little abrasion where the nose pads on her glasses cut into the skin a little bit. Oy.

THEN we we're watching Castaway Saturday afternoon, and Wilson washing away was simply too much for her. She was sitting there in her chair, trying to blow up a balloon, but having a horrible time of it because she was crying and sniffling and sobbing. So pitiful. :)

SG hulked out on us last night when I DARED to put his sausage patties IN BETWEEN his bread slices. He's been so delighted with himself lately for eating sandwiches - two slices of bread - so I thought that maybe he'd like a sausage sandwich. Apparently not. He looked at it, blinked, turned around to face me, shaking, fists clenched, turned bright red and yelled, "GrrrraHHHHHH!!!!!! MOMMY! THAT'S NOT A SANDWICH!!!" To his credit, he collected himself after that, but he did take the sausage patties off and threw them in my salad bowl (which was right there). Once I cleaned off the dressing and put them back on his plate NEXT TO the bread, he was fine - sang odes to bread and sausage (separately of course) while eating his dinner. Weird kid.

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