Friday, February 15, 2013

Where's my Shotgun? Part 2

So This Boy at School (TBaS), apparently hugged her last week while they were all waiting to get on the buses to go home last week.  Unfortunately for our society, my first thought was, "and he didn't get nailed for sexual harassment?" (It was my mother's first comment as well when I relayed to her).

Predictably, and understandably she asked me what this meant.  So we went through the whole rigmarole of, "Well, he likes you.  Whether that's only as a friend or Likes you, likes you, blah blah blah."

Fast forward to yesterday, when she told both her father and I separately what had occurred that day at school.  Are you ready for this?  Now, remember that TBaS is the one who kept offering her his chair in class, something I was delighted about because it likely meant that he was at least aware of chivalrous manners.  So, they're on the playground yesterday and she apparently communicated that she was cold.  (I calling shenanigans on that since she's ALWAYS telling us that she's not cold).  He gave her his coat!  During the transfer of said article of clothing and symbolism, a PIN fell out of the pockets.  A little button pin - a Piece of Flair as it were - that she picked up and tried to give back to him.  A PIN which he wouldn't take.  At this point in her story I've got Bye-Bye Birdie's "The Telephone Hour" running through my head.

So, she's apparently heard from somewhat reliable sources on the playground, that he likes her.  He ALSO likes her BFF (who has her very own crush on TBaS).  Oh the drama.  Thankfully NOT with Jazz Hands just yet.

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