Friday, July 19, 2013

Speaking of Children behaving differently with different people...

Got a note from my mom this morning.  The kids have been up there in NJ with them for 2 weeks now.  I received ONE phone call (and it was a happy one), and Matt got none for the entire time.  We got a letter from The Boy last night, written on my dad's old company letterhead that made both of cackle, but otherwise nothing.  Here's the roundup:

"Okay, so I didn’t do anything in Chore Wars.

Clueless Wonder: 

Mowed the lawn three times
Helped with yard clean up twice
Emptied dishwasher every day
Didn’t give anybody any sh*# ever
Helped cook several meals with Granpop
Ate some of anything we put in front of her and did not throw up.  (It was close once).  :)
She is learning MS Smallbasic on her own.  (Has done some programming and is more than halfway through the introduction to the Smallbasic book).
She watched all of the Firefly series, Serenity and the 10 year reunion.  Loved them all.

At Carlucci’s the both loved the Focaccia bread with sauce on it.  They didn't like the puff bread with lots of garlic on it.
The both loved Golden Corral and were happy to go again.  SG ate a hushpuppy and tried caramel and hot fudge with vanilla ice cream.  Liked the fudge.
CW loved the lemon pie-lets.  She had them both times she went.
She helped make taco filling and they both ate it with either sour cream, mild taco bell sauce and/or cheese.  They had them in toasted taco shells.
SG now eats his hot dog with yellow mustard.  He tried pickle relish and doesn't dislike it.  He also ate a cheese burger without knowing it until he was half done.  He ate the rest no problem.
CW made egg salad and tried it.
They both tried macaroni salad and potato salad.
CW helped make tomato sauce.  They also made pizza and ate it.
At the Chinese buffet CW tried all of the chicken offerings and ate the salmon and didn’t even remember it.  She tried the crab wrapped in bacon and ate half of it.
SG ate something, probably chicken fingers.

Screaming Genius:

Cleaned up after himself daily
Did whatever he was asked
Helped with yard clean up twice
Did not mow the lawn
Didn't give anybody any crap ever
Started a monthly chart re wet/dry diapers
Ate some of anything we put in front of him
He eats dried apricots, oatmeal cookies and Raisin Bran cereal with extra raisins and of course the fiber bars.

We went to the movies twice.  We saw Spickle me II and Monsters University.  We went to the Aquarium in Camden and had a ball.  We went to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell and more but it was tooooo hot so we just saw the Liberty bell and the Mint.  When they come back after Christmas we are going back to Philly to see more stuff.

They also had lots of down time to play and chill.  All in all I think they had a good time.  CW probably didn't read enough but I will leave that for you.:):)
Hope you had a good time and didn't have to pay tooo much for whatever Matt broke.  Oh, by the way, the water dispenser cannot be fixed on our fridge.  

See you tomorrow!

Love you,  Mom"

Wow.  I'm pretty sure that the body snatchers got my kids...

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