Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lollipop on the windowsill.

There's a lollipop on the windowsill of Nate's window. It's on the outside of the windowsill. Nobody saw him do it, no one remembers finding the screen open. I HAVE however seen him stand on the corner of his changing table closest to the window, lean, stretch and bridge the gap with his body. He ends up at a 45 degree angle, almost fully extended, with his hands propped on the window sill, feet planted on the changing table. I can only assume that he did this one day when his window was left unlocked - pushed the window open, then the screen, chucked the lollipop out the window, and closed at least the screen.

Either that, or my dead grandmother is screwing with me. Again.

I've ordered enough Window Wedges to cover all of the windows in the house...we'll see how well they work.

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