Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby Out the Window!

So yeah, Wednesday was "one of THOSE days" for Matt. I'm basically okay now (I had an outpatient surgery done on Tuesday morning), throat is still sore (abraded, really, from the tube), I have headaches, and was running a slight fever yesterday. Oh, yeah - and I can't bend over, since all of the blood rushes to my head, my face turns bright red and the headache gets worse. I spent most of the morning hiding upstairs in bed and listening to Matt totally lose his sh*t with the kids and work. Somebody at work had tried to fix a problem - a problem that really wasn't a problem, blah, blah, blah. He was so angry he was sitting at his computer shaking. Throw in the fact that CW couldn't find clothing to wear, and SG was being a crabby butt, and WOW.

I came out of my room around 10, when Matt brought SG up to change him. I helped out with that, with the suggestion to dress him and send him out in the backyard. At some point during the conversation and fighting with SG, I jokingly said something about just dropping him out the window into the back yard. The noise that came out of Matt was made up of a giggle, a sob, and a growl. 8) He's wound a little too tightly right now...

SG spent some time out back in his house, yelling at me anytime I stepped away from the back door. He eventually came in with muddy shoes and proceeded to leave mud chunks everywhere. He was irritated with life, but luckily the recycling truck came by right then, and Matt called him to look at it.

A little bit later, (I'm out in the living room at this point) I hear Matt scrambling around, grumbling, muttering, grunting, and then I hear, "Baby out the window!"

I, of course, think he means that Screaming Genius did something to tick him off enough that he wants to toss him out the window. Apparently not. He had actually climbed out the open window (which had been opened so he could yell at the recycling guys), after sliding the screen out of the way. Matt was in the kitchen when he heard the noise and looked at the window to see a muddy sneaker exiting. Matt tried to grab him and pull him back in while SG was still in the rosebushes, but that didn't work. I think that's when he yelled, "baby out the window!" and ran out the front door to chase him down the street. I got out to the kitchen at about this point, and ended up hanging out the window laughing my ass off.

SG immediately tried to do it again when Matt brought him back in, it was such fun! :) I had to strip his sneakers and pants off because he was so muddy, and I didn't put another pair of pants on him. He eventually ended up in the backyard in a diaper and t-shirt, sliding down his slide.

Oh yeah, at some point when I was napping, CW came home, SG took his diaper off, She yelled, "Dad! He's got his penis out again!" and the diaper ended up being chucked out the kitchen window (by SG) and into the bushes in the front yard.

Matt told me that if I wanted him to stay home Thursday I needed to not hide in our room... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda no clue you had this blog! I will have to start reading it!
