Sunday, October 25, 2009

If the circus music fits...

Oh wow. Total flashback to the first time Matt met my sister's family. My nephew was 5 and lying on the floor of the living room, and my niece, 11 months, was bouncing up and down on his head with a dirty diaper. He was screaming, she was cackling - it was hilarious.

It just happened here, only with CW and SG. :)

...and really, I wonder what exactly our neighborhood thinks of us. ALL weekend long the sounds coming out of the house have been, well, interesting to say the least. Insane laughter, screaming, crashes, more screaming, all against a background soundtrack of circus music. I can't find anything in particular to write down here, mostly because it's all a blur. SG really got to Matt this weekend - mostly by being his usual nutty self (but amped up like he was on crack). Matt even took a headbutt to the mouth today, resulting in a fat, cut lip - which apparently made dinner a problem, "Tabasco BURNS!"

CW continues to destroy Matt's reputation on Facebook today by posting a quiz. It was a bunch of math problems - addition mostly, but with really big (6 digit) numbers! 8) She found some other game, in which she exterminated an entire galaxy before moving onto another galaxy and winning a medal for taking out two aliens with one shot. Yeah. She was keeping Matt updated on what she was doing, and at one point I asked him what she was doing and he giggled something about genocide...

There was one point today when Matt turned up the music in the kitchen, and grinned, "Isn't it great I can't hear th--,"
CRASH! "Mo-om! He's throwing stuff at me!"
So I turned the music up louder, and the two of us stood there giggling like loons. A couple of minutes later, CW came running in, brandishing a diving stick and panting, and slammed the gate behind her. Matt started cackling, "You're in here hiding from him too!"

Bedtime came around 7pm tonight...

1 comment:

  1. I took a similar headbutt to the mouth yesterday, I'll be sure to stay away from Tobasco!
