Monday, April 12, 2010

"I learned it by watching YOU!"

Bear was acting up this morning - apparently he would NOT sit down.

"Sit down bear."
"Sit DOWN bear!"
"One, two, free..."
"I flick."

On the plus side, he RARELY lets us get to three...and I think he's retaining the idea longer than CW did. She frequently would push us to three. I used to think she was just forgetful, but now I'm SURE she was always forgetting it. That girl forgets EVERYTHING.

Another difference between the two of them, he sings along with tv shows, and responds when they need a response. CW never did that, she'd usually look at the tv like it was some sort of strange alien civilization. He also is more apt to use the tv as background noise than she was. She's ALWAYS gotten sucked in if the tv was on, he'll play and do stuff while it's on.

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