Monday, May 10, 2010

Sunday we went to go see How To Train Your Dragon in 3-D (and let me say that that extra D did nothing but detract from the movie). Obviously, since I'm typing this, we survived SG's first in-theater movie. There were MAYBE 6 other people in the theater, thankfully, so when about halfway through, the novelty of a darkened theater got the better of him, he didn't disturb anybody sneaking around the theater. Matt chasing him was pretty funny though.

Speaking of Matt chasing him, I don't think I mentioned about LAST Friday. CW's teacher had emailed us inviting us to the end of quarter third grade awards assembly, because CW was getting an award in Science. She specifically told us that SG would be more than welcome, and to bring him - she and the class had heard so many stories about him, she really needed to meet him. *shakes head* In hindsight, I think it's possible that we were scheduled as the entertainment for this assembly. I was already in the building volunteering in the Book Room, so I walked down to the Assembly room, and met Matt and SG there. A couple of seconds later the kids came in and CW was all sorts of surprised, she'd had no idea about the award or that we were coming.

In his defense, SG was decently good for a few minutes (the whole assembly was maybe 30 minutes total). We were up in the back or the room, behind the kids, so he started by wandering back and forth, talking to the kids in the back row. When some kids were called up to receive their award certificates he started counting them, giggling ensued. Then when it became apparent that he was not going to come back and sit with us, and he was simply being a distraction, we decided that Matt would take him out of the room. Easier said than done. Matt ended up running across the back of the room, down the graduated steps that we were sitting on, and across the "stage" where the kids were standing with their award certificates, cracking up the entire room. Oops.

Later that afternoon, I was waiting outside of CW's classroom to take her home after dismissal. One of the other third-graders walked by me, looked at me, and stopped. "Your baby is FUNNY!" Yeah. Thanks kid. :)

This past Friday was interesting as well. He'd been REALLY happy and enthralled with Little Einsteins episodes I was pulling from the On Demand Freebie section. He didn't want to take a shower with me, so I gambled, and left him watching an episode, while I went upstairs. I came down after my shower, and he was 5 minutes into Alvin and the Chipmunk's: The Squeakquel. "Mommy! I watcha SQUEEEAK!!" It took me a few seconds of digging to confirm my suspicion that yes, it was a PAY movie, and he'd just spent $5 on it. Dammit. We need to figure out if we can make it so that a code has to be entered to but them...

And long live Freecycle! CW has been asking for a piano/keyboard for a few months now. I kept telling her that it was too expensive. Last Tuesday I noticed a Freecycle post offering a Casiotone 701 keyboard! We managed to snag it and it's up in CW's room now. She loves it! So does SG, for that matter. It's really old and has a minor buzz, so she can't turn it up too loud...damn. :)

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