Sunday, July 17, 2011

Team Work!

So we've started calling both kids on the carpet at the same time when they get too loud with the disagreeing and whining at each other. SG's taken to making this noise like an angry cat when he whines, "noooooo," and it makes me NUTS. She gets all frustrated while trying to "help" him do something on the computer because he wants to do it how HE wants to do it - which does NOT get him the result he wants. This of course degenerates into her yelling, "SG, stop, no SG! SGSGSG!!!"

SO anyway, they're both getting into trouble equally (usually) several times a day right now. After one particular round the other night, Matt looks at me and says, "Great, that's ALL we need. The two of them working together against us!" To which I reply, "Who thinks teamwork can only be taught with sports. HA!"

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