Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Bad News...

...is that in parent-teacher conference yesterday I learned that CW earned herself a "C" in Math this Quarter. The Good news is that she's in the advanced group, and they are learning both 5th AND 6th Grade math, in the hopes that they can take and pass the 6th Grade Math SOL at the end of the year (she's in 5th). I'm told that she's not doing any worse than the rest of her group, her effort is apparently Good to Outstanding, so her teacher is delighted. She has also, it seems, learned to buckle down and has no apparent concentration issues anymore. My girl isn't Spacey at School!! Yay!! She seems to have earned all As and Bs in everything else, so WOO!!

So, in celebration, we went out to dinner (Bertucci's) last night, and worked on table training, and trying different foods. CW decided that she LOVES the olive oil and spices bread-dipping plate, and she liked the sausage minestrone soup that Matt got... :)

SG routinely caught us all talking with our mouths full (unfortunately we're all pretty good at it *sigh*) and the evening was spent catching each other about ever 40 seconds or so. 8-)


  1. We always tell the AP kids that it is completely NORMAL to receive a B or C in such an accelerated class...Just sayin'...

  2. That's exactly what we told her - that we were okay with it, and that's it's not surprising. She is getting a little weirded out though with regard to being pulled out of class for advanced stuff. We told her that she really only has to deal with it for this year and next and that it'll be MUCH less noticeable once they start switching classes in 7th grade...
