Wednesday, December 28, 2011

From an update Email while the two of them were up at my parents house over Christmas Break:

"Okay so he’s still alive. I thought CW was going to put him under at one point and he deserved it. We had a little talk and he has been told he will not be going to the play place tomorrow if he doesn’t stop aggravating CW and Grandpop. He’s been told that I will stay home with him and CW will get all his play money. He’s been fine since.

Otherwise everything is fine. He put himself to bed last night. I looked around for him and he wasn’t in the kitchen or living room. Went to look for him and he was in his bed covered up with the reading light on looking very sad. He asked me to read him a book so I read him several short stories which he loved. I stayed with him until he went to sleep which was quick. He slept all night and hasn’t had any accidents so far.

CW and Grandpop are making pizza and discussing the world (as usual)."

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how quickly we go from taking care and making sure our kids don't hurt themselves, to just being glad they made it through the day alive and in one piece!
