Wednesday, October 3, 2012

...and she proves her name correct. Again.

Well, here we are, 1 month into the schoolyear. CW is in 6th grade and SG is in Kindergarten. He's already lost two lunchboxes, and she's already come home with TWO Weekly Reports from her teachers stating that she's not getting all of her homework done. Awesome. Last week she claimed that she just doesn't know what the homework is, so, we suggested (rather firmly) that she write it all down in her handy dandy (assignment) NOTEBOOK! RIGHT! Especially since we have to sign off on her having done her homework.

We pointed out that she has a lot of privileges, some of which were going away. Last week she lost the ability to do her homework upstairs in her room listening to music. We're not trusting her now, so we ask to see every piece of homework that's listed in the assignment book before we sign off on it. I wrote about what we'd discussed on the signature portion of the WR that had to go back to the teachers.

Fast forward to this morning, where she hands me her Weekly Report about 20 minutes before leaving for school. It's much better, but still reflects that not all of her homework has been completed. She's (of course) clueless as to what she's missed. So. She's lost TV privileges until ALL homework is being marked as complete (her shoulders slumped). AND if that's not happening by next week's WR, I'm going to start deleting all of her tv shows off of the DVR. Her face went WHITE at that threat. On the signature portion I wrote down that she's lost TV until ALL homework is reflected as being completed. I'm hoping that IF there's any issues on the part of the teachers not being careful about her homework, that the fact that she's being punished will make sure that THEY get it right as well. I honestly don't think that they are the problem though - she really is THAT clueless.

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