Thursday, April 4, 2013

What the-?! Wednesday...It's Thursday Already?!

So, I got an email yesterday afternoon from SG's Classroom Instructional Assistant yesterday (She's also my PTA Pres/Treas, a neighbor, and a mom of one of CW's classmates).  He apparently did not get over his issues with the chicken nuggets that Matt packed for his lunch yesterday morning.  He sat there and smashed them with his fist, proclaiming that he didn't like THOSE nuggets.

The offensive Nuggets

 We've been packing Lunchables brand Chicken Nuggets for him all year (not every day, but they are one of his staples).  Giant is no longer carrying them.  We haven't been to WalMart lately - because thank god, THEY still carry them.  So, Matt picked up Tysons precooked nuggets, because apparently he'd had a stroke, and memory loss and he failed to realize that this is the Screaming Genius he's packing a lunch for.  I just don't know.  He put them in SG's Darth "Dader"  lunch box and The Fit ensued, only to be stopped when I threatened him with the loss of a toy.  I meant to email his IA and Teacher about the possibility of utter insanity at lunch, I really did, but I got busy and forgot.  I had PTA lollipops to sell!  Priorities here!

So I got this picture in my email.  He was an absolute disaster yesterday, largely due to the fact that he'd declared Jihad on the Tyson's nuggets, and hence had no protein to get him through the school day.  He got home, and we chucked a toy (there was also something about him throwing a book across the classroom and ending up in the Thinking Chair).  Then instead of making his bed when I sent him up, he passed out on it.  This of course meant that he was EVEN MORE of a disaster when it was time for he and Matt to go to allergy shots.  His shoes weren't tight enough.  He didn't want to.  His nose was running.  He wanted something to eat.  No not that.  Not that either.  I don't know WHAT I want, but it's not going to be what you're offering, dammit!  He couldn't stand up.  He couldn't walk.  NoooOOOOO!

SO, since Matt was going to be out and about with him, I volunteered to be Bad Guy and marched him out to the car - since he simply stood on the stoop when I pushed him out the front door, and didn't follow Matt to the car.  He ended up backing down the front walk, only moving when I stepped toward him.  When he got to the sidewalk he started crab walking to get to the car.  *sigh*  I buckled him in, yelled at him some more and then prayed that they wouldn't have some sort of fatal accident since I hadn't said I loved him.  Oy.

It's been a long time since he's had a day like that.  I'm so glad he's growing up and out of this crap.  I also can't decide if some of this is because his Betrothed moved away over spring break.  I don't want to bring it up in case it's NOT a problem, but I'm thinking about it...

edit 11:08am:  Matt also pointed out that at least one of his in-the-classroom-classmates moved over spring break as there's ANOTHER void in his school day.

1 comment:

  1. They actually weren't Tyson's. They were some random cheapo thing. Last night, he told me that he liked Tyson's nuggets (probably saw a TV commercial). So I deep fried the same nuggets and told him I thought they were Tyson's and he said he liked them.

    Later, I told him they were the same ones. He said he liked them better after being fried (who doesn't?). So I fried some up this morning before putting them in his lunch. We'll see...
