Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life in the 'hood...

So, apparently CW's class (the 6th grade) is giving unholy hell to the teachers and admin at school.  There's 112 of them, and they seem at this point to be dropping like flies (it's a good thing, trust me).  Between what I hear from CW and from those in positions of authority at school, MY kid is kind weird in that she's not dating, doesn't have an attitude problem, etc.   How bad is it when you're HAPPY that your 12 year old is a little weird.

Two girls, new this year from the NYC area, and apparently troublesome from the beginning, got caught giving - what was termed as - lap dances ON THE BUS.  Both were suspended, one has been expelled according to CW, and the other is still in process.

A third girl was involved in some sort of physical altercation, that involved popping a substitute teacher in the face because she would not calm down.  As far as CW knows  - and this could purely be gossip - she's likely to get expelled as well.

THEN, Thursday TBaS and another boy whom annoys the bejeesus out of CW got in trouble.  She claims ignorance of how exactly TBaS was involved, but the other boy was apparently poking CW's BFF in the breasts with a ruler.  Yeah.  I say that ignorance is claimed, because as you may recall, both CW and her BFF have crushes (to some extent or another) on TBaS.  So there's pretty obviously the possibility that one or both of them is in denial about his involvement.  Whatever happened, both boys apparently got suspended.

Awesomeness, thy name is unsupervised adolescence.

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