Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re-post from my LJ in July...

July 7, 2009

Up at 6.
In the shower with Nate.
Get Maddie up and through the shower.
Everyone dressed and ready to leave by 7:45.

"Nate, it's time to go! Want to go outside? Come on..."
"Mom, he's outside already."
"See, there he goes...!" He was running back and forth between our house and Sylvia's.

Drop Maddie at Tennis and Gymnastics at 8am.
Go to SAM's. Where we spent 15 minutes or so trying out ALL of the furniture, then got sucked into WALL*E in HD on a 52" screen. Grand. Only the promise of looking for cookies got us away from the tv. He tried to get into the freezers several times, tried to hide in a dresser at one point. I had a panic attack when I couldn't find the generic diapers (they'd changed the packaging entirely). Checked out, Nate threw his cookie. I picked it up, threw it out and got a napkin. Meanwhile he's climbing out of the cart (he'd been standing IN the cart since we got the cookies), and panicking the employees. He's good at it, and got himself down without mishap, so I handed him the receipt to show the guy at the door. He ran up to the guy waving the receipt, which cracked the guy up.

Went to WalMart, where he fought me about being in the cart, and somehow managed to smack his face on the cart, so he's got a nice shiner under the right eye now (a WONDERFUL addition to the scrape under his nose from a face plant on the tennis courts the other day, and the random scratch on his nose from yesterday). He had a bit (HA!) of a tantrum when I put him in the seat and buckled him, and spent the rest of the time alternately smacking my hands (or the cart handle if I got my hands out of the way in time) and screaming.

Got home at 10:30. Chilled out for a while, he played out back.

11:45 left to pick up Maddie (@12) from Tennis and Gymnastics (two week course). Thankfully there were no issues picking her up (which involves going into the recenter to get her) or getting him back into the car. Went to get lunch at BK, stopped in the municipal parking lot to eat. Let Nate loose in the car. He broke one of the vents on my dashboard and made the electric locks sound VERY troubled. Changed his diaper, and the fireworks began when I had to put him back in the seat.

1pm dropped Maddie at art class (we are SO not doing another round of art class next week), went home - mostly because I was exhausted.

Got home and tried to water my plants. Little boy ran out to the background, made a hard left and ran toward the road. I caught him about 3 houses from the road - only because he fell over. Maddie's new buddy H showed up at the door to play.

Watched some 101 Dalmations for a little bit, Maddie's buddy J showed up at the door to play, left at 1:45 to pick up Maddie.

Picked up Maddie at 2. Slipped and fell on my knee (thank you painted cement floor) when lunging to grab the door before Nate slammed it.

Came home, put him down for a nap, and ended up crashing for my own nap sometime around 3. Woke up after Matt got home, to H knocking on the door, and Nate poking at me.

Maddie put the laundry away (quickly for once) while H drew in sidewalk chalk on the front porch waiting for her (I keep it out there for that purpose). At some point we let Nate out in the back yard, and Matt was watching him from one of the side chairs in the living room. Maddie went out to get her bike, and apparently left the gate open - H poked his head in and said, "Maddie your little brother is out front!"

*sigh* "Thank you H!"

So she went out, and was riding bikes with H up and down the street, and Matt and I are sitting here when I asked what Nate was doing - assuming he was still out in the back yard. The back door was locked. *frown* Where is he?

The front door was open, again, Maddie had left it open (she is supposed to carry her keys when she goes out and lock the door behind her) Matt ran out, didn't see him, and ran upstairs to check. I went out to the background to look. Nope. Yelled to Maddie asking if he was out with them. Nope. Neighbor S heard me and stopped getting in her car. Matt ran out (no shoes, no phone) to look, I did a more in depth house check, since he likes to hide), stepped into shoes and ran out. I went out to the road, nope. Saw Matt running across the other end of the background by the playground. Walked back in the other direction toward the pool and stuff. Saw S several times during this - she was looking too, saw Matt do a little skip and run toward the pool house. A guy had found him at the basketball courts and had taken him over to the pool house looking for us.

He now has a Safety Tat on his arm with both of our cell phone numbers on it, and we're looking at Brickhouse child locators.

Is it bedtime yet?

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