Monday, September 21, 2009

Stairs 3, Lewises 0

Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it? Things got reeeally unfunny for a while there. Maddie threw herself down the stairs about 3 weeks ago, with little damage other than shock and an adrenaline rush - oh and bloodcurdling screaming.

Then Labor Day weekend, I burned my leg on the air compressor one day, then threw myself down the stairs the next. Big bruises. REALLY BIG bruises - but nothing broken.

Tuesday or Wednesday, he got out the back door into the yard and played on the deck with the hose (that he turned on) for a few minutes, just long enough to get soaked and freezing.

Last Thursday Nate stuck his hand on the burner not even a minute after I turned it off and removed the pan (so he wouldn't burn himself on the pan). He screamed for an hour, until the ER nurses wrapped his hand up. The ER doctor (the same one that we'd gotten when he tried to eat a christmas light) pronounced it second degree burns (all 5 finger tips) and that it could have been way worse. Wound check the next day (Friday) revealed that he didn't need bandages since the blisters were intact.

The blisters burst over the weekend, so he's bandaged up again.

He's talking a lot more lately - and every once in a while we can actually understand him! :)

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