Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So. After the dirt bath and subsequent shower late this morning, we went to pick up Maddie at gymnastics. We wandered around Target for a little bit then came home. I went out (and locked the storm door) to water the front yard. Nate did his irate-kicking-of-the-door thing for several minutes, because I dared to go outside without him. A minute or two later, I hear a screech out of Maddie, and some frantic scrabbling with the storm door.

"Mom! There's a waspinthehouse!!! At least Ithinkit'sawasp! It'salittlesmallerthanawasp, butIthinkit'sawasp!" Concurrently:"'Sa Bee!! Oh No!" *Does his little dance*
"How did a wasp get in the house?! Where is it?"
"Idon'tknowbutIthinkit'sawasp! AnditREALLYfreakedmeout!"
"Really. Where is it?"
"It'soverbythedoor! Itmightnotbeawasp, maybeit'sahornet?"

They got over to the sliding glass door, and she's obviously freaked out, he's dancing and squealing, and I'm not seeing any wasp at all.
"Thereitis! Rightthere!"

"Maddie! That's a FLY!" Simultaneously, Nate is dancing and bending over to better see the (very normal sized) fly as it tries desperately to get outside through the glass. I looked around to find something to shoo it out the door with, and when I looked back, Nate had picked up a softball sized wiffleball. He smashed the fly with the ball, jumped back and started dancing and pointing again.
"Oh No! IbrokatheBEE!!"

...and he's just peed on the floor. Right after Matt took him in to the toilet too. grr.

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