Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things I never thought I'd say to my kids...

Stop letting your brother out of the house, this is part of why we can't have a dog.
Put the coffee table down.
Don't throw the computer.
Don't pull on my ponytails.
Don't climb out the car window.
Don't climb trees when you're wearing a skirt.
Please don't electrocute your grandfather.
Please don't throw your boots over the fence.
Put your p***s away.
Get out of the freezer please.
Don't step on the Dirt Dog.
Stop pulling on the fireplace doors, we really don't need you to rip them out again.
Don't eat the lightbulbs.
Don't throw the vacuum.
Stop chewing on rocks.
My earwax is not, "Good!" Please stop eating it.

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