Sunday, July 26, 2009

There were dust bunnies and broken pieces of plastic everywhere...

So, he quite literally threw a wrench into the Lasko untility fan at the bottom of the stairs this morning and killed it. He'd gotten hold of one of the numerous throwaway open ended wrenches that dome with different furniture products. He'd been playing with it nicely for a few days, so we weren't really paying attention anymore whenever he had it. Matt and I were in the living room when we heard the horrific crash and subsequent crunching noises. The poor fan was dancing all over the place and spewing entire flocks of dust birds up the stairs when I got there to try to turn it off. I dithered for a second, perhaps two, trying to be careful about NOT getting in front of the fan, in case something else shot out at me - like the wrench or a sharp piece of plastic (I'd spaced on the fact that I'd run past the wall outlet that it was plugged into). Nate had backed up into the kitchen to watch his creation with apprehension, and was standing there wide eyed, with his hands gripped together, when Matt came around through the kitchen and admonished him about putting things in the fans.

"Don't put things in the fan!! You broke it."

"Oh No! I Broka the fan!!"

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