Thursday, January 10, 2013

...and now something completely different!

Today was one of those mornings that he's just THE most loving, affectionate little kid you've ever seen.  Six o'clock and I'm sitting on my bed stretching as he wanders in in his too-small footie pajamas.  His little face splits into a delighted grin and he immediately climbs into my lap, straddling me, and plasters himself to me.  Once he gets situated and shoves his face into my neck he sighs, "Good Morning, Mom."

When, after a minute or two, he still showed no signs of moving I asked how he was doing this morning.  I got a euphoric, "Good," as my answer.  Eventually I asked what he was doing (like I didn't know, but hey, I like to hear it).

"I'm just loving you, Mom."  Slightly muffled, still euphoric, face still buried in my neck.

"Oh, okay.  I love you too.  Always and forever."  :)

"Yes.  Always and forever.  But sometimes I get angry at you.  But not right now.  I just love you right now."

"Getting angry is okay, it doesn't mean that we don't love each other."

"Yeah." He sighs.

I adore that kid.  :)

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