Wednesday, January 2, 2013

...and We shall call them Resolutions!

So, I think I'm going to have to write more my since other sanity saver is probably causing problems. It seems (this has NOT been run past a doctor yet) that I may possibly be intolerant of, sensitive, or outright allergic to at least some forms ("Dammit woman, get to the POINT already!") of Alcohol. There. I said it. We're thinking that given the incredible amounts (for me anyway) of alcohol I've consumed over the past year that perhaps I'm developing an issue with it. Hives, to be exact. Yay.

So. Off alcohol entirely, back to Atkins and the treadmill and hopefully I'll be healthier this year. I won't say that my health couldn't get much worse, because I know it certainly could. But it could be better.

Anyway, Winter break was good, mostly. Both kids seemed ready to get back to school, thankfully, because WOW we needed to get them back out of the house. SG had several "accidents" over the past couple of weeks, and since Grounding had become a way of life for him, we shifted gears and went to throwing out toys instead of any other punishment. We've also been very careful to wrap in positive reinforcement as well. AND timers. He needs timers. I remember going through this with CW at about this age (not the accidents, but the need for timers...although, come to think of it, she still needs them) and timers, stupid little ticking and ringing kitchen timers, being REALLY helpful. So, timers are all over the house right now. Mostly in the bathrooms, but I may end up buying more... :)

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