Thursday, January 3, 2013

Six isn't much better than Five.

The bunch of us went in for our allergy shots yesterday evening.  It went about the way it always does:
SG's coat was on the chair next to Matt's, and there was another open chair next to SG's.  I moved SG's coat to the second chair and sat down next to Matt (because the seating is really tight in this office and I'd rather be squished up against Matt than be invading another mom's personal space), which prompted a fit of righteous Kindergarten indignation on SG's part.

"MOM!  I was sitting there first!"  He spluttered.  Fabulous, he called me on it.  Bad behavior that THEY'RE not supposed to display, being displayed by mom.  w00t.

"I know, sweetheart, but you weren't actually sitting there and I'd like to sit next to Daddy."

"Mo-om! I was sitting there fir-rst!" Whiney whiney.  We went back and forth a couple more times, at which point my name was called for my shot, and I very deliberately put my book down on the chair in dispute, while staring at him.

When I got back, he'd switched our stuff back to the way he thought it should be.  At which point I stopped the dispute since the family occupying the corner batch of chairs had left, leaving me with a choice of about 6 different chairs.  CW and I moved over there into the corner and buried our noses in our books.  This did not sit well with SG.  Having lost the fight by default, he was irritated that I was not now sitting next to him.
 So he argued a little bit about it from his chair, and then danced over to me and tried to argue some more, all while brandishing Bumblebee at me.

At this point I got annoyed enough to comment to him what a FUSS he'd made over sitting in that chair, so why wasn't he in it?  Not much of an answer was forthcoming, so I told him that since he HAD made such a fuss about the chair he needed to SIT IN IT.  Queue the crabbing on his part.

"If you do not sit in that chair, you will NOT be getting cookies from the store.  Got it?" *Gasp*  ...and suddenly his little butt was on the chair.  YES!  Go me!!  :)

At least three more times in the next 30 minutes he got up and was playing, and every time I saw him do it I reminded him about the Fuss Over The Chair, and the cookies.   Eventually I hear him grump very quietly to Matt, "Dad?  Can it just be us next time?  Just you and me?"

Matt and I had to squelch the giggles over the fact that SG was really not very happy with me right then and was obviously trying to leave me behind the next time so I wouldn't be such a downer.  :)

Score.  ;)

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