Friday, January 4, 2013

So that happened.

At one point over Christmas Break, SG had gone out to play, and ended up at a buddies house.  A couple of hours later I thought we should probably call him home - since I know how I feel when the neighborhood kids are in the house on impromptu playdates for several hours.  So I called his phone.  I nearly had a heart attack when he answered screaming that he was locked in a closet.  Long story short, he'd taken offense at something one of the girls had said about him, and instead of LEAVING like he should have, he went into the nearest closet and accidentally locked himself him.  He'd hung up on me while in the middle of screaming that he was locked into the closet, and then he failed to ANSWER the phone after he'd gotten out and was running home.

Matt had left as soon as we found out he was trapped in a closet (the kids he'd been playing with had been sent to our house to get us and were out on our front walk when he left), and actually got over there after SG was out.  He talked to the parents, apologies on both sides, etc.  And the Boy is not allowed out right now without parental supervision since he demonstrated bad judgment both in handling a playtime situation, and three separate bad decisions regarding the phone.

So, was it a coincidence that I thought about calling him when he was starting to panic?  ;)


  1. Possibly. Are you certain it was the first such panic episode that day? What other bad behavior might you have interrupted earlier in the day? I'm scared to try to answer that question.

    1. Hey now, you said last night that it hadn't escaped your notice. So what exactly did you mean last night? Kinda sounded like you agreed it might not have been a coincidence last night...and yet this morning I get THIS!?

    2. Perhaps I'm just more cynical in the cold light of day. I'm saying it might be worse than we think. It generally is, with him.
