Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Where's my Shotgun?

So there's a boy at school.

Against ALL odds, he's actually TALLER than CW.  And one of her friends likes him, so she's actively refusing to be interested in him - I think.  They seem to be friends, I'd actually observed them in Orchestra one day sharing music when CW had forgotten to bring hers.  Seems like a nice kid.  A couple of weeks ago she tells me about how her friend likes him, or maybe she was telling me about him trying to weird her out and asking if he's succeeded, I don't know which one came first - it doesn't really matter.  I start to giggle and tell her that while, yes, he cold just see her as a friend, it was kind of sounding as though he *likes* her.  Actually, the weirding  out part of the conversation must have come first, because it was AFTER I'd said this that she looked all shocked and confessed that her friend liked him.  I reitereated that he may just be CW's friend and hence, no problem.  We were still laughing and talking about this when our chiropractor Dr. W, came in.  I related the incident and asked HIM about it, and he kind of smacked his head and agreed that it's entirely possible that the boy likes CW.

Fast forward to last Friday (also at the chiropractor's office) and she's relating a bit about how for some reason or another, there was no chair at one desk/station the other day, and CW swapped with another friend, leaving CW without a chair.  COINCIDENTALLY she'd ended up next to the boy.  *rolls eyes and sighs*  So he apparently offered her his chair multiple times.  *Smacks forehead*

So THEN, she tells me how she was asking him the other day if he's got a crush on anyone!  She says she was trying to find out if he liked her friend.  *Head Desk*  I asked her how SHE would feel if the object of her crush walked up and asked her if she had a crush on someone.  Doofus.

Now, I was particularly clueless about this type of thing in school, I mean, really, I only ever had 3 boyfriends before Matt, and I was unaware of any boys LIKING me in school.  So, as I tell her that I *think* he might like her, I keep reminding her that he may just think she's a good friend.

Either way, I'm glad we got her to The Studio.  Have I mentioned that she's testing for her Green Belt in a couple of weeks?  :)  'Cause, she is.

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