Saturday, October 22, 2011

Computer Kid - A Maddie Post

Originally posted on April 15th 2004 to my LiveJournal:

Computer Kid

So, I donate LOTS of our stuff to a United Way place that comes and picks it up, leaves a receipt, etc. It's great. My Dad had some extra computers lying around, and since Matt is doing the Frankenstein thing, he gave them to us, to mess around with. I mentioned that if he couldn't figure out what to do with it, we'd donate problem.

So we had a pick up this morning. The driver comes to the front door...even though I had the yellow flyer taped to the wall above the pile of items to be donated out in the front I had to "show" him where the stuff was. When he started to take the stuff to the truck, CW FREAKED.

"Could you my Daddy's Pyoo-yer?!" in a very upset voice...

"no Sweetie, turn around and look behind you, Daddy's got a computer right there...he's giving this other one away to someone else who needs it more than we do...."

Tears now, "Could you my Pyoo-yer?! Get you my Pyoo-yer! Get you MY PYOO-yer! I wan get you my Pyoo-yer!"

I of course, being the horrid mother I am, am laughing outright at this point trying to explain that it's okay...while holding onto her so she doesn't run out to the donation truck to get the computer back. Her litany is getting louder and ever more shrill, and she runs to the closet to get her boots, because apparently we've done a decent job in getting her to understand she needs shoes to outside. So she runs back over to the door, still yelling mind you, and THROWS one of her rainboots (the ladybug ones) out the door...I'm not sure how she thought this would help...

So we call Daddy. "Blahbittyblah Inc, this is Matt"

"Daddy could you explain to your daughter that it's okay with you that the man took the computer away?"

"Hah! Yeah put her on..."

Still in tears, although much quieter, "Daddy, get you my Pyoo-yer? " oh, yes, and she's pointing out the door.

This went on for several minutes. Eventually she calmed down, but Wow, was that one funny. and I forgot, she was wearing the Lion Suit.

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