Friday, October 21, 2011

Shades of traveling across the country

Originally posted on May 24th, 2004 to LiveJournal (Maddie and I were up at my parent's house and we were still potty training):

Shades of traveling across the country

Apparently putting her to bed no longer means the day is done. About 1/2 an hour after putting her to bed, she starts yelling that she peed.

"That's great!" you say, "She's recognizing when she pees."

Well, not exactly. I was coming down the hall when my mom went in and was talking to her. I hear mom say something about puke...

...but the room doesn't smell like puke. There's stuff all over the bed. And on her shirt.

I guess I should mention that she had not pooped ALL DAY, and had drunk 2 bottles of apple juice. Dad had asked if Apple juice bothered her at all...I said I didn't think so...

Needless to say, she had to be put in the shower and everything on the bed had to be washed. While in the shower she freaked about the stuff on the floor of the shower and wanted to sit on the toilet. Good sentiment, but a little late. :-) So while Mom and I were redoing the bedroom, she sat on the toilet, and my dad sat in the cramped corner next to her on a stool that's only about 6 inches tall, reading stories to her. I value both my camera and my life so I did NOT take a picture. Though it was tempting, because with the DSL it was entirely possible I could've uploaded the pic before Dad managed to get out of the corner...

It's been a bad couple of nights for Bear, let me tell you. He desperately needs a vacation. 'Nother(bear) is going to be on duty for a few days...

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