Sunday, October 16, 2011

CWlocks and the Three Bears

CW and I cleaned up her room yesterday, oh the complaining! We managed to get two full bags of garbage out of it, and about a garbage bag's worth of clothing that she's outgrown/hates-and-will-never-wear. I pulled out her bed, and emptied out underneath it, I made her pull out all sorts of catch-all containers and drawers that have just been gathering crap. We moved her physical books up onto the shelf near the ceiling across the end of the room (we'd taken the bookcase and kiddie books into SG's room last weekend), culled her stuffed animals, reorganized her took all day, but it looks great now.

It apparently freaks her out that I talk to her stuffed animals. I was talking to her bears about the possibility of them coming down from the shelf, taking baths, and actually interacting with us all again. They were of course, responding to my questions, nodding or shaking their heads, that kind of thing. I know those bears more than she does, since they were my comrades-in-arms. I can still look at them and tell you which one is Bear, which one is Other (bear) and which one is (a)'Nother (bear). She didn't believe me, so she checked their tags...I was right. :) SG was absolutely floored when they all showed up on the floor (ha!), because he's got one too, Yet (another bear). So, they've all been washed, and are in the process of having their fur fluffed. Nate is helping with that part a lot - it involves using a bristle brush on the bears, so he's having a blast being the barber.

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