Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Yes, my verb tenses are EVERYWHERE. Deal.

Originally posted to my LiveJournal on September 18th, 2008:

So, we're coming back from our allergy shots appointment and the grocery store, and I'm pulling into the parking space here at home. Music was loud, as always, and it being the time of day that it is, two of Maddie's buddies are riding bikes past the house. I heard her unbuckle her seatbelt, as I'm putting up the windows - front ones first, then the back ones. I suddenly heard a screech from her, and since she does that far too frequently, I didn't react immediately - thinking that she's yelling to her buddies. I'm not entirely sure at this point what exactly made me turn around, but when I did I see CW with her head stuck in the stupid window. She had apparently been sticking her head out WHILE I WAS PUTTING UP THE WINDOWS, and been pinned. I swore (this *is* me here) and let her out, turned off the car, got out and stomped back to her, where she was crying in the back seat.

A (me): Are you okay?
CW: *wails*
CW: *whimper* A little...
A: YES OR NO! (I'm physically checking her at this point)
CW: yes...?
A: ...WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Go inside and tell your father what you just did! Go tell him what a STUPID thing you just did.

She went inside, and I got the groceries out of the car, locked up and stomped inside.

A: Did she tell you what she did?
D (Matt): Yeah...I told her she was pretty dumb to have done that, didn't I?
CW: *sniffles* yeah.
A: The worst part is that I didn't realize anything was wrong when she screamed, since she does it all the time!
D: See, now you have first hand knowledge of,"the boy who cried wolf!" Mommy didn't react quickly because you scream like that too much. Are you going to scream like that anymore?
CW: No...
A: Alright, go take your stuff upstairs and put it away.

She went up and Matt and I rehashed a little (giggling at this point), when we hear a sob of some sort upstairs. So I yelled up the stairs...

A: Do I need to take you to the doctor? Is your head broken? Are you bleeding? Is your ear falling off?
CW: *giggles* No...!
A: okay, well go to the bathroom if you need to...
CW: *more giggling* I don't have to go to the bathroom!
A: Whoa! I really DO need to take you to the doctor, there MUST be something wrong with you if you don't have to go to the bathroom.
CW: *hysterical giggling from upstairs*

She then came back down the stairs, and slipped on the large pink pencil box (that SHE had left on the stairs not 60 seconds earlier) and nearly fell the rest of the way down the stairs.

*shakes head*

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