Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{Insert witty title here}

Interesting times here. CW has embarked on an on-line Elementary Latin course in the afternoons, and so far likes it. SG is really starting to have some noticeable changes (for the good) sparked by pre-school. He actively decides that it's someone else's turn and puts himself in line behind them, he's figuring out how to buckle his seat belt, and he's starting to try different foods.

Yesterday was simply a series of WIN with him. He took his allergy medicine when confronted with the choice between taking it and going to Pre-school that day or not taking it and staying home, restricted from TV and computer. Then he was willing to try learning how to buckle himself into the car, and was successful with the steps I had him attempt. THEN, he was willing to try more of it (the buckling) in the afternoon when I picked him up, and it worked out great. He happily ate a hot dog for lunch (he's been fighting protein lately) when it was presented with a corn muffin and fruit snacks all on one plate. Dinner was the real coup though, I sliced up another hot dog, and put cheddar shreds on them in so they looked like Xs, melted it, stuck toothpicks in them and told him he could have another corn muffin if he finished the hot dog. He came close, but didn't quite manage to finish it, but just that he was willing to eat the CHEESE! Boy doesn't like dairy for some reason, aside from yogurt, and vanilla milkshakes, so cheese was an accomplishment. This morning he was delighted to sit in my lap and work through some on-line exercises for reading and math too... :)

CW's attitude is REALLY good about 90% of the time still, so I'm happy. She's delighted with bread baking, is learning how to do laundry, and is managing to keep her room decently neat. She's still very happy about school, but still has not shaken off the pull of the tv. If it's on, it needs to be paused, turned off or muted before you can actually expect her brain to kick in... *rolls eyes* She's taking her lunch lately too, PLUS I've put mayo on her sandwiches several times lately to start moving her away from completely dry sandwiches. :)

My goodness - are they growing up?

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