Wednesday, October 19, 2011

His X Period.

So, SG brings a drawing over to me this morning. "I'm doing a lot of Xs now, and not SGs." He informs me, as though this were the beginning of his Blue Period. I asked him about the snowman looking figure there UNDER all of the Xs, and I was told that was SG, as was the larger Frosty-esque rendering on the back of the sheet. He then, with so much pride, points to the squiggle between 'SG's' legs, and says, "And that's his Penis!" (Yes, my son can in fact, pronounce his Capital letters on certain words.)


"We don't draw penises, okay?" I say.

"Oh, okay." He agrees before wandering off. Matt and I are giggling quietly about this whole thing, when SG comes back in with his drawing, and proudly show us that he had drawn in The Penis on the other SG. *sigh* In to Time-Out he went. Where, much to our frustration, he started wailing about 30 seconds later, because he'd peed all over himself. I'm assuming that The Penis was angry that it's been banned from pictures and was making Its displeasure known.

So after I stripped him and cleaned him up, I sent him upstairs to get dressed. He stomped up the stairs and after he went into his room I heard him talking to himself. Loudly. I yelled up asking what he'd said, and got the response of, "Nuffing!"

"Sweetie, what did you say?" in my best, cajoling-mom voice.


So after he served his remaining Time Out sentence, he went back into the kitchen, where he and daddy were discussing what to draw next. I hear:

"Okay, I'll draw a Butt!"

"No. No Butts, no Penises. We don't draw Butts or Penises, that's not appropriate. Okay?"

"Oh. 'kay."

I can't wait to see what he draws next, and I hope to god, that The Butt doesn't make Its displeasure known like The Penis did.

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