Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Parental bed defenses 101

I've discovered how to keep my little one out of my bed.

Sometime around 6:45 this morning I woke up to CW coming through our room to go take her shower. I thought I'd heard Matt get up and take his shower much earlier, but obviously I was mistaken since I could hear him breathing rather noisily next to me. I rolled over to poke him and find out why he was abed so late - but he wasn't there. *frowns*

The breathing hadn't changed. It was still there. It was however, NOT coming from the bed, so I rolled BACK over and looked over the side of the bed.

There he was (SG), flat on his face on top of my third (don't ask) down pillow and our brown soft-fuzzy blanket that had been tossed off of the bed. He'd come into at some point during the night (Matt mentioned later that he'd thought it was ME breathing noisily when he woke up), but apparently was waylaid by the pillow and fuzzy blanket in his path, and passed out on them. He woke up about half an hour later and staggered back out of my room, dragging the blanket halfway across the room with him - I've no idea if it was stuck onto him and it took him those 8 feet to untangle himself, or if he changed his mind and left it instead of taking it with him.

SO! Word to the wise, plant a soft pillow and blanket in your pre-schooler's path to your bed, and MAYBE they won't make it far enough in to wake you up. :)

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