Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Regularity is for sissies. 'Be Prepared' is our motto!

Sometimes being Mom-the-All-Knowing is easy. Like when your daughter (or mine really, since we know who this is about) is newly come to the wonderful world of woman stuff, and hasn't learned to pay attention to a calendar, or carry certain specialized items when she's near a certain time of month. I'd thought about the calendar and timing and mentioned to her Monday afternoon that she should be expecting it any day now, likely in the next week. I also explained that while she's been really lucky in having regular cycles so far, it was in now way guaranteed to continue that way, and she really ought to always have a spare pad in her pocket at all times. And then I told her a nightmare story (not really) about just how irregular I was in that first year...

Fast forward two whole days to her coming home from school this afternoon. Bingo! Mom you were right, and thank you - that pad really came in handy today!

:) I'm telling you, that girl makes parenting easy.

1 comment:

  1. I had a HORRIBLE time keeping track up until I finally went on the pill, AFTER I had M!
